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Gens Tips 


5 Steps for preparing your

little one for swim school

Preparation will help make your baby or toddler swim class a positive experience. Determine that they are ready for swimming lessons before coming in for your free assesment class, and in the days and weeks before lessons begin, help your baby learn to enjoy the water and encourage him/her to feel comfortable in the swimming pool. Once classes start, make the most of it by arriving on time, being prepared and ensuring that both you and your child are ready to participate at the start of each lesson.


Step 1

Determine weather you feel your little one is ready for swim lessons and the assesment. Come visit a class with your child to see if they enjoy the experience. Some babies adapt more willingly than others to new people, environments and experiences. Consult with your child's medical provider to discuss whether they're healthy enough and physically ready for the swimming pool.


Step 2

Visit the pool, preferably during the time of day when your child's lesson will be held. Note the environmental conditions. Is it sunny? Is there a breeze? Does the water feel chilly at first? Does the pool have rules about swim nappies and what swimmers are allowed to wear into the water? This information will help you be prepared for class with the right swimwear and gear to keep your little one comfortable.


Step 3

Create a positive and fun aquatic experience for your little one by helping them feel comfortable in the water. Splash around in the water to familiarize them with the new sights and sounds.


Step 4

Acclimate your  baby to the water during bath time. Help them to float on her back for a few moments at a time while carefully supporting her head to keep her face from going under the water. Talk and sing  while they float so that they hear what your voice sounds like with ears in the water. Gently pour water over their head and face while in the bath, or take them in the shower with you to help them get used to being splashed and having water in their face.


Step 5

Arrive on time and prepared for each lesson. Don't feed your baby during the 30 minutes before class to avoid spitting up during the lesson. Have them dressed for the pool and changed into a fresh swim nappy just before class is scheduled to start . Small Babies can get tired quickly, so it's best not play in the water too much with your little one before class to ensure they will  be fresh for there lesson.




Bring along extra swim nappies for baby and towels for both of you, as well as a change of clothes for after class. Secure your child in their pram or infant seat while you change your own clothes before and after class.

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